Inspiring new musical - special discount tix through Hope Sings

When Danny Goldstein, a musical theatre director I know, Facebooked me about his latest directing project, the new musical "Tamar of the River," I thought: this isn't your run-of-the-mill musical comedy. This show is up to something in the world. 

"Tamar of the River" asks the question: would you betray the one you love to bring peace to all?

Musical Theatre legend Maury Yeston calls it "genuinely new, crossing musical boundaries." Marisa Michelson is the composer, Joshua H. Cohen the lyricist, and they share book duties.

AND producer Cara Reichel of the Prospect Theater Company is offering Hope Sings fans a special discount offer!

Purchase tix by Sept. 21 with code HOPE30 for $30 regular tickets - a 40% savings!  

After Sept. 21, use code HOPE25 to save 25% on regular tickets ($37.50 price).

Purchase tickets at, or call 212-352-3101.

For more info including video to to


UN Women artist Concha Buika comes to NYC - yay!

Concha Buika is one of those singers that grab you in the heart - even though she sings mostly in Spanish, you get it.​

​Concha was named one of "50 Great Voices by NPR, and if you live in NYC, you can judge for yourself on June 13th when she appears at Town Hall as part of the Blue Note Jazz Festival.

Concha mixes flamenco and jazz - she was raised in Majorca by African parents - and her last album won her a Grammy. Her next release is due out June 4th.​