So, in between blizzards on the East Coast, I had the second biopsy on the nodule on my thyroid.
Read MoreAs Dolly Parton, sings...
...Here I go again, she sings. The 2nd biopsy of my thyroid nodule is finally here, five months after the 6.8cm nodule (along with several smaller ones) was discovered and biopsied the first time.
Oh no! It's not called Here I Go Again - it's called Here You Come Again! Talk about a double-dyslexic attack...But I get such a kick out of Dolly I'm leaving it.
There is good news.
- I feel fine, always have. No thyroid malfunction.
- The nodule is noticeably smaller (tho it’s still there, and tho who knows if I have normalized the cells, as I visualize in my meditations – spreading out the fried egg-like cells so they’re not overlapping, clearing up the yolks of the nuclei).
- I’ve really, really enjoyed this blogging, how it’s widened my focus and that of Hope Sings to include music, inspiration and wellness/healing.
After 5 months of -
- weekly acupuncture,
- major diet modification,
- daily meditation/visualization/blockage-specific yoga,
- vocalizing –
- not to mention the pricey electrified waters –
(maybe I should have seen a gypsy...oops...)
After all that, I wonder: how did I do?
(And I also wonder how much I’ll blame myself if I didn’t do well enough, which my pal Holly B brought up. Will I feel like a failure if the nodule is still too big to leave alone and more likely the cells are cancerous - a 2nd data point the biopsy will give).
My dear friend Gail (anesthesiologist, passionate lover of life and founder of an awesome social enterprise, Spiralis Ventures) reminded me of another, perhaps even more important healing factor I hadn’t recognized:
all the prayers, positive thoughts and support I’ve received
from family, friends, practitioners and total strangers over the past months.
And that may be the best “treatment” of all. LOVE.
So if you are so inclined, on Tuesday February 11 at 8:45 am EST – send a little love wave up to Mt. Kisco NY and yours truly.
I am not scared of the procedure or the results, not at all. But I am sooooooo curious.
It's getting smaller, or, Honey, I shrunk my nodule!
I'm doing it!
My formerly 6.8cm nodule is definitely smaller than 6.8cm.
The combined onslaught of my treatments - the waters, the meditation, the visualization, the yoga, the diet, the acupuncture - seems to be working.
I wonder what is having the most impact?
The one I most feel is the acupuncture - and my acupuncturist, Regina Walsh, is the one who confirmed the shrinkage, and that the nodule feels different, too - softer.
I see Regina weekly, and every session is different. She specializes in what's called Five Elements Acupuncture, which works with the five elements (duh): wood, earth, fire, water, metal.
Turns out, I couldn't have picked a better type of acupuncture for releasing the blockage, getting my "chi" flow going again.
See, my friend Jo wanted to have a second child. They tried and tried to get pregnant – IVF, the whole nine yards. No deal. Then she tried acupuncture - of the Five Elements variety. Within a few months, she was “with child” (the phrase Anne Boleyn uses to tell Henry the VIII in Anne of the Thousand Days).
Now, that’s releasing some serious blockage. If you have a blockage, too - TRY IT.
I’m not used to taking an hour a week in the middle of my work day and just laying there – much less paying for it – but I tell myself I am worth it (?).
But the luxury of it!
Regina also utilizes Aromatherapy – yummy lemon, soothing lavender, invigorating geranium. Hard to believe something so indulgent can be so good for you. But Regina says she gets as good – if not better results – from lightly applying these essential oils to the energy meridians than sticking needles in them.
So if you haven't tried this stuff because you're scared of needles - fear no more! Try that Aromatherapy. You're worth it.
Now, for a little comic relief ;)
Yoga and My Thyroid
So, I'm doing the waters to dissolve my nodules.
And I'm meditating, visualizing, altering my diet and doing acupuncture (more on these in future posts). And I'm going to go hunting in my jewelry box for a blue gemstone (I must have a 5-karat sapphire in there I've forgotten about).
Gosh, it's amazing I'm getting anything else done (secret: I'm not) (well, not totally true).
So much for a controlled experiment on which tactic is most effective. But I'm going for the full-on assault here. I've got a second biopsy coming in January and I am visualizing the Radiologist saying about my huge nodule,
"Wow! Where did it go? I've never seen this happen before!"
I now have something else to put on my action list.
Turns out there are yoga poses that are particularly helpful, too.
The Shoulder Stand and the Plough (from the Shoulder Stand, you drop your legs/feet down behind you to touch the floor.)
The Fish.
The Lion. This video is makes me laugh - the reference to a Kiss concert and the great depth it goes into for something pretty simple.
Any Yoga yogis out there with more advice on good poses to flow this nodule away?
The Fish
The Lion
Can I Shatter My Wine Glass? (or Healing the Singer)
It’s a muggy day in June, and my friend Susan and I (plus my friend Sharon) are doing hydro-calisthenics in Susan's pool in Wilton, CT.
Susan is telling me how she was cured of Lyme disease after 3 years of being on and off antibiotics.
By drinking electrically charged waters.
I’m only listening with half an ear because I’m busy treading water (I really do not like hydro-calisthenics).
90 days later I am on the phone with Susan, listening with both ears wide open. Doctor S. has found a mongo nodule in my thyroid, and I don’t want to leap to surgery. I want to try something “alternative.”
For those of you who don’t know from alternative therapies, there are LOTS of them. There’s -
Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Qi Gong, Feng Shui, laser therapy, hydrotherapy, diet, reiki, crystals, aromatherapy, homeopathy, meditation, crystals, toning, aromatherapy, colors - even healing with Tibetan bowls.
And more.
Many of these therapies work by releasing blockages in our energy meridians - channels that connect our body in somewhat mysterious ways (stick a needle in your left ankle and your right elbow feels better – I speak from experience).
Some treatments, more specifically, stimulate and restore healthy vibrational balance. And that’s what these electrically-charged waters do. It’s called VIBRATIONAL HEALING (or Quantum Healing), and master herbalogist Andrea Candee is the one who “cured” Susan.
For those of you with Lyme disease – or a loved one with it - Andrea has an extraordinary cure rate for what has come to be, for many, an uncurable condition through a combination of these waters, in combination with with herbs and a low-inflammatory diet.
Vibrational Healing, as practiced by Andrea and a handful of others around the world, is based on the laws of Quantum Physics. Everything has a specific vibration, a specific wave pattern, even solid items. Expose one item and its vibration to an object with the exact opposite vibration – and that first item disintegrates.
Just like the opera singer and the wine glass. When her high note vibrates in directly inverse waves to the crystal champagne glass – you guessed it.
Ditto for pathogens - bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc in your body that cause disease. They have vibrations. Introduce the opposite wave to them, and they dissolve.
And how do you introduce those waves into your body?
You drink them. Electrically charged waters.
It’s more complicated than a blog can support. If you're interested, read more at Healers Who Share.
So – back to that phone call. When I hang up, I’m super excited.
However, after 20 minutes of fruitless Google searching, I’m nervous.
There is zero about it on-line. Except on Andrea’s and Healers websites.
But you know, I’m like this: once I’ve opened the door and looked in the room, I can’t not go in. I will always wonder, Brando-like, what might have been.
I guess this is my Quantum Leap. Pun intended.
I decide to do it.
Though the doctors say my thyroid needs to come out, I've now got a way to see if I can avoid that. As they say, it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.
En Vogue didn't just say it - they sang it!