Q&A with Songs for Sandy Artist Christina Li


Christina was the first artist to step up for the S4S project - and boy, we were happy to have her! Check out her new video, Disappear, and you'll agree.


And now - the Q&A!

Who/what are your musical inspirations?

I get inspired by other people with true passions – even or especially non-musical ones. My friends
and family inspire me daily with their own talents.

What gives you hope about the world?

Small, unselfish acts of kindness.

Do you write and sing from joy and hope - or from fear/ anxiety/ need?

Probably from fear/anxiety/need. My music comes from an emotional place that I don't often show to people, so performing and singing is a much needed catharsis.

What’s your favorite chord?

Bb minor

How much money will really go the Red Cross?

Just read an article in the NY Times from 12/2/12 that addressed the issue of how much of that money raised for charity really goes to the charity.

I certainly wonder that myself when I give - so thought I should address it for our Songs for Sandy initiative.

First of all, I chose the Red Cross to partner with because its spends 92% of its money on programs, not administrative expenses, fundraising etc (according to Charity Navigator). It is also doing an amazing job for Sandy victims. 

Second of all, our numbers.

We are selling five songs for $5 - so $1/each. From that, we pay the artists who choose to receive royalties 18 cents - 9 cents for the use of the recording, 9 cents for the use of the intellectual property of the song itself. 2 of the 5 songwriting teams elected to donate their royalties.

Paypal takes 6 cents per unit. 

Hope Sings is taking zero for admin, overhead - nothing.

So here's the math:

$1.00 - paypal = $.94

$.94 - royalties = $.76 net per song 

2 songs w/no royalties - $.94 x 2 = $1.88

3 songs w/royalties - $.76 x 3 = $2.28

total net proceeds of a five song package (with minimum $5.00 payment) = $4.16

Hope Sings MATCHES that - so your $5.00 purchase results in a donation of $8.32 to the Red Cross.

PLUS you help emerging singer-songwriters AND get five fun songs to boot.

Not bad (we think).

What do YOU think?

Deadline extended until Monday Nov 19 for Songs for Sandy

We know 10 days is really tight turnaround to generate a song - so we've extended the deadline until Monday for submissions. See the earlier blog below for details.

It's likely we'll be partnering with Indiegogo's campaign to help the Red Cross - resulting in more exposure and impact for everyone. Stay tuned for details.

It's been two weeks since the hurricane - and unfortunately, now is when disasters fall off the front page. But people are still suffering. They still need attention, emotional support and financial assistance. It's not too late to do your share. Thanks so much for putting your talents to great use!