Q&A with Songs for Sandy Artist Christina Li


Christina was the first artist to step up for the S4S project - and boy, we were happy to have her! Check out her new video, Disappear, and you'll agree.


And now - the Q&A!

Who/what are your musical inspirations?

I get inspired by other people with true passions – even or especially non-musical ones. My friends
and family inspire me daily with their own talents.

What gives you hope about the world?

Small, unselfish acts of kindness.

Do you write and sing from joy and hope - or from fear/ anxiety/ need?

Probably from fear/anxiety/need. My music comes from an emotional place that I don't often show to people, so performing and singing is a much needed catharsis.

What’s your favorite chord?

Bb minor

First ever!

My friend Mike Pettry has done something amazing. Read what he says:

"The musical, The Time Travelers Convention, is now available on YouTube in its entirety. We recorded the musical as a radio play with a professional cast, full orchestrations and sound effects, and have posted it on YouTube with an artist's renderings of the scenes. This is the first time anyone has ever created a musical in this way, and it's totally free to watch."


direct link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQsfQZDL12I&p=3645FFAA2813E725

More info -

The Time Travelers Convention (book and lyrics by Heidi Heilig, music by Mike Pettry) is a new musical that has been fully realized as a radio play on YouTube. It is the story of the three high school nerds who want to go back in time to change their pasts. They decide to hold a Time Travelers Convention, putting flyers in classic books in the hopes that, in a future where anything is possible, the invitations will be found and a time traveler -- with a time machine -- will come to their party. When a stranger does arrive, the characters have to struggle with the possibilities of dealing with the past, or finding a way to live in the now.