I just had lunch, and my digestive tract is making all sorts of squawks and squeaks.
This is not business as usual for me.
But I think it’s good.
See, I suspect the blockage in my thyroid isn’t just about my thyroid – though I know I’ve gone on and on about voice and singing and not singing and all that ad nauseum in this blog.
I do think that's a big part of it.
But I also think part of the problem is my gut.
Now, isn’t that ripe for even more symbolism?
Let's start with the medical facts. I have celiac. I was diagnosed more than 20 years ago, before almost anyone here had heard of it. I am asymptomatic – meaning I’m not sick as a dog like I had been for the three years before it was discovered - but I am no purist, so I imagine there is some damage going on in there.
So maybe my digestion isn't functioning 100% well. Which could impede the normal flow in a body.
But I think the blockage has other deeper levels to it.
I was a fat child (the neighbors loved to chant “Two Ton Tilly was a hippo” to me). So there’s emotion in that area – and not good emotion. Plus, sucking in your tummy all the time can't be good for the above-mentioned digestive process.
I also think the tightness there way pre-dates that. I think there was stuff that went on “down there” in former lives (sorry to go there, folks, but I gotta). Not pretty stuff.
Years ago, I had an energy person tell me she saw tons of energy around my head and in my legs - but the torso was dead. Almost like there was a line through my midsection. (hm…pirates, sabers, samurai? So odd, the vague visions we get.)
Back to the blockage: if the tummy is blocked, there’s nowhere for the throat stuff to drain down to.
The Running Piglet Energy says there is stuck energy that causes a back-up – in my case, in my gut – which forces that little piglet to run squealing back up through the body – in my case, to my throat. The cause of that blockage? Fear. No surprise there. Some people even get panic attacks (I'm not there).
It also might have something to do with the onset of menopause. Interesting.
Yesterday, I experienced a first: acupuncture needles in my pubic area. Not sexy at all. Regina put them in right next to that c-section scar of mine (Aha! Another source of blockage. That’s worth considering. I’m never going to be done with this unraveling).
And today, my tummy is squealing.
Wonder what it’s saying?
Stay tuned.
And now some music!
Here's a personal fave of mine from way back. I particularly applaud the articulate, resourceful lyric writing in the chorus.
And here's a song I wrote, inspired by childhood chubby time. Music and vocal by the awesome Jenny Giering.