I’m not sure who came up with that pithy comment, but it makes you think.
One benefit of this crisis is having time to think, to reflect. What might be the message in all of this for you? For the world?
That’s what country roads are made for - a good long, solitary walk and ponder. Lacking that, pondering also works with a glass of tea or slightly more festive beverage. Before you return to Netflix ;)
Today’s 5 heartening news, interesting tidbits and useful tips.
1) “COVID-19 exposed how insecure most people actually feel, to the point that the real pandemic is fear, not the virus.” Interesting thoughts from Deepak Chopra on global wellness are. Maybe even radical, to some.
2) What this man did for vacuum cleaners, he just did for ventilators. Love someone who loves a challenge.
3) Your reaction to the current situation may be based on your “dosha,” your mind-body type. What type are you? I’m a kapha – and its nice to know it’s not just me reacting like this!
4) My Corona. I’m singing this one all day long.
5) Oh no! Am I coming down with a cold – or Covid? Or the flu? A very handy chart.