Everything we do has impact. Large and small. Seen and unseen. So, in my book, it all counts.
Linus Nyland @doto
Rather than beat ourselves up for all the things we don’t do, let’s share and affirm what we do do (oh yes we can-can). We can’t do it all. So let’s do what we can. Yeah, I’m writing that song.
Here’s a running list of things people in my circles are doing, arranged loosely in categories. If you have something to add, please share in the comments. Let’s inspire each other!
-You stress-bakers:
“I’m baking every week for ICU and emergency room staff. Apparently, they love sweets to keep them going. (Holly)
Credit: Madison Kaminski
- Cook a meal for a shelter – and see where that leads.
“Months ago I started cooking a meal a week for the homeless shelter across the street and turned it into a neighborhood project of collecting interview clothes and children’s books etc.” (Lisa Greenwald)
- Feed your family - well. With love. Keeps us healthy, inside and out.
“I guess you could say I’m sustaining the next generation as they cling to their jobs and survive in Zoomland” (Gray Horan)
- Turn supermarket waste into tasty meals like they’re doing in London (Maggie Gallagher).
- Send weekly donations to a local food bank (Elise Morris)
-Write a song for our times.
Wondering Where This Will End - Drew Young’s new single
- Write or consume a funny song. Laughter is always the best medicine. Ok, top three.
From A Social Distance (Lenore Skenazy)
- Create or attend a virtual concert for change.
Music To Life has a new Accelerating Change series. The 7/26 show is focused on Equity and Empowerment, including conversations with three women of color and their activism to heal their communities. (Liz Sunde)
- Write or watch what gets you going.
“I'm working on a play about what makes me mad: voter rights .” (Gray Horan) If you are near Providence RI, go see it at the Wilbury Theatre.
- Make your own virtual “theatre.” Help produce Zoom plays - some of which you get to act in. Flo Ankah and some actor colleagues are putting out a call for 10-minute plays that “expand our perspective of the woman experience today.” Stay tuned for details.
BOOKS (finally write that great fill-in-the-blank you’ve been meaning to write all these years)
- “In lockdown here in Covent Garden (London), I’ve written a book about the Red Pear Theater (which I founded in Antibes, France). If it has any traction, I will sell it for an actors’ charity.” (Hilary Lemaire)
- Did you know there is a full-size replica of the Parthenon in Nashville? Tom Ewing does - and he’s determined to move from researching to writing that novel that was inspired by it. And joining a writers’ group that can help. Or making one. As “artists” know, finding support to keep us accountable can be key.
- Write or contribute to an article for your local “paper.”
- Inform people about important issues – keep our minds open. (Doreen Munsie)
- “I helped gather stories of Asian Americans for WNET website Asian Americans of NY and NJ.” (Donna Weng Friedman)
- Create a “broadcast” (or be part of one)
- Her/Music;Her/Story, a series on WQXR shining a light on women composers, past and present (co-created by Donna Weng Friedman and Alison Charney)
- Heritage and Harmony, a virtual concert video series in collaboration with WQXR to shine a light on leading classical musicians of Asian descent performing music by Asian composers (Donna Weng Friedman again).
- 100th anniversary of suffrage in August - Facebook concert on Aug. 18 - “Season of Hope” - to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the ratification of our 19th amendment (Donna Weng Friedman will only be featured this time ;)
WORK (yeah, a big one - keeping food on the table)
- Help families who are struggling (therapist Jennifer Altman)
- “I’m helping a young black guy who is starting up a solar energy charity in Africa. Know anyone he should talk to? (Hilary Lemaire)
- Create a pipeline for people of color in your industry by starting when they’re young. Some theatre writers (Tom Mizer and Beth Blatt) want to introduce high school kids to the idea of telling their stories as musicals and start mentoring them.
- Become a Climate Reality Leader and give workshops that help people discover & amplify their unique roles in the climate crisis, and then work on personal action plans to make a difference Drawdown Solutions: Getting Into Action Workshops (Elly Lessin)
- Get active on your local Environmental Committee.
- Public radio
- Food banks/pantries
- Sorry to get political, just reporting what folks shared and happy to represent all sides: donating to Senate candidates who might be able to flip the Senate, to Stacey Abrams “Fair Fight” organization to fight off voter suppression, to democratic candidates up and down tickets all over the country (Elise Morris)
- I take care of my 96-year-old dad.
- I take care of my 76-year-old mom.
- I lead guided meditations on Monday nights through zoom (B.S.)
- Start a healing class. “If someone needs 1:1 support they can get my rate for members of the theater community.” (Flo Ankah)
- Listen. Simple. Though maybe not easy.
- Send $ to a friend in need b/c of no work (Elise Morris)
CARE FOR YOURSELF (a/k/a your oxygen mask goes on first)
- I ponder in the gardens to refresh my spirits and delight in all the beauty (Elise Morris)
- On top of working hard, I write songs too, though for only the audience of my friends and family. (Jennifer Altman)
STAY HEALTHY (obvious but important so it counts!)
- Keep yourselves and family in quarantine (Elise)
- Don’t touch your face!
Change is hard. Me, I overcommit then slide off. This is what I do to combat that:
1. I attach it to something I already do.
2. I attach it to something that’s fun to do.
Don’t forget to share!