Launching Insider Tracks - Supporting Dramatists Guild Fund Emergency Artist Grants

In these days of COVID-19, most of us are feeling a desire to help others. Whether by wearing a mask, calling a local senior, or keeping our family well (and ourselves) with good hygiene and healthy meals - we feel better when we help. Somehow.

From the British Red Cross.

From the British Red Cross.

Writers and other artists are particularly hard hit these days. Most don’t qualify for government assistance. Many have no income right now at all.

Enter the Dramatists Guild Fund. In good times, they help writers bring their stories to life on stage. Now, they are providing emergency financial assistance to individual playwrights, composers, lyricists, and librettists in dire need of funds due to severe hardship or unexpected illness.


INSIDER TRACKS offer an easy and fun way for you to help writers and for writers to help writers - many of whom don’t have the financial resources for charitable giving.

INSIDER TRACKS are songs you wouldn’t normally have access to. They’re not on albums or iTunes. Maybe they’re “demos” - written during development of a musical, or for a cabaret show, or preparatory to an album. Either way, they are fantastic songs. That you now get to hear (you Insider, you). And, you get to meet talented writers you might not otherwise know. Another benefit: you’re helping their careers.

Most importantly, all proceeds go to the DGF emergency grants (minus processing fees).

Adam Gwon, man about town

Adam Gwon, man about town

Our first Insider Track is from Adam Gwon, “an emerging master of musical theatre” (Metroland). He is an incredible writer and a warm and generous human being. When Hope Sings founder Beth Blatt asked if she could offer a song they’d whipped off years ago, his immediate response was, “Share away!”

Download the single for $1.00 or make a larger donation here.

Stay tuned for more Insider Tracks!

Day 9 #HopeSingsToday Lyrics With Friends

I started a Facebook game - LYRICS WITH FRIENDS. LIke Words with Friends, it’s a cross between a crossword puzzle and Scrabble that you take turns playing with your pals.

First first song is called “My Favorite Eats.” (I think we’re all a little focused on food right now.) It’s to the tune of “My Favorite Things” from Sound of Music.

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Day 3 #HopeSingsToday - Hope Springs

What better reminder of “To everything a season,” than nature? Hope Sings as spring springs yet again.

Your daily serving of 5 stories to calm your heart and lift your spirits. Please share yours with us and we’ll share with others. We’re all in this together.

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Day 2 #Hope Sings Today: Short and Sweet

Around my house these days, Sunday looks a lot like any other workday. Since I love my work, that’s not a bad thing. But it means I didn’t get you this little bit of uplift first thing in the morning to get your day off on a note. But this goes equally well with a glass of wine. Especially if it’s half full :)

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Day 1 #HopeSingsToday: Stay Positive, Stay Protected

Experts say staying positive is one way to stay healthy. So I’ve given myself the job of keeping your spirits up. Every day, I’ll share some stories – inspiring, fun, useful – that will give you hope, keep you on track, make you smile – maybe even sing. And keep you healthy

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